The easiest solution is probably going to be Dell Power Manager, which is a free download from Dell's driver section of their support site. The Dell 15.6 inch Notebook is a multi-purpose laptop that has several interesting features.

View Larger View Larger Fabulous Features. The Dell laptop Dell Inspiron 3541 Black 15.6 inch laptop is a must-have product. dirty comedians from the 70s The Look and Display. With an HWiNFO-regulated maximum Noctua fan speed (which for the C14S fan is 1,250 RPM), this maximum temperature was reduced to a relatively amazingly low. bim360 docs Without HWiNFO64 (with the un-regulated Noctua fan running at a mere 314 RPM under unadulterated Dell hardware), Dell's 15-minute 100% CPU stress test produced 184-degree F temperatures. My fans are constantly switching on and off with a period of 30 seconds (30 seconds full-speed, 30 seconds completely off), even without any processor load. I have a Dell G5 5590 with Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS.

The CPU is consistently at 2% and yet my memory usage is at 70% - this is intended, I am running docker desktop, multiple hyper-v vms and a WSL installation. They are running at full speed on the left side (the processor fan) - I suspect due to high memory usage.