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The more you look at this airplane in detail within the sim, the more you will see and discover has gone into making the model a convincing replica of the real world original. Detail from nose, to engine pylons to the stabilizers and rudder- we have spared no effort to put as much detail into the model as possible. From the leading edge devices and the different materials they are made of, to the visual effect of the “sutter twist” on the wing tips. This image shows off quite a few details of our model that really make it stand out nicely for those with an eye for detail.

Using the same cargo stand on which we previewed the 747-400F, we present the PMDG 747-400BCF! We are including the 400BCF in the initial release of the PMDG 747-400 Queen of the Skies II, along with her own unique loading and operating characteristics! From the updated cockpit displays, reconfigured loading menu options, to animation and operation of the main deck cargo door- we are bringing you a great rendition of the 400BCF! Unlike the native built 400F, the 747-400BCF does not have a nose cargo door, which does limit slightly the outsized cargo that can be carried aboard, but the airplane was targeting directly to existing 400F operators as a good, solid lower cost way to expand fleet size and capabilities. (Okay- the Sawzall part might be alliteration…) This market opportunity involved taking possession of the airplane, reconditioning it for freight use, using a Sawzall to create an aft, main deck cargo door, and putting the airplane back to work with a new lease on life! (You can find my overview of the 400F, which is a dedicated freighter, in an earlier post by using the search function in the forum…)Īround the turn of the century, Boeing identified a growing market for the 747-400 passenger aircraft that were coming out of service with passenger airlines around the world.

“Since we spent a bit of time discussing cargo hauling on the PMDG DC-6 Cloudmaster, which is due out next week, I thought it might be appropriate to give you a bit of an update on the PMDG 747-400 Queen of the Skies II, focusing on Boeing Converted Freighter, this time! The PMDG 747 V2 update is here, I mean V3! Full post below, it’s still not in beta if you are wondering.